Monday, 2 November 2015

Blood Cancer Symptoms & Treatment - Blood Cancer Treatment In India

Blood Cancer Treatment

Cancerous formation can attack any organic system of the human physiology. As part of blood cancer, the rapidly multiplying cancerous cells are found attacking the different aspects of the circulatory system. Besides blood and the lymphatic system; the bone marrow can also be the focus of attack.
Types of Leukaemia :
The Leukaemia can be grouped based on how quickly the disease develops and gets worse and thus divided into two types :
  • Acute Leukaemia : the rapid increase of immature blood cells is known as acute leukaemia. This accumulation of excessive immature blood cells hinders the reproduction of healthy blood cells by the bone marrow resulting into the stage of blood cancer. This form of leukaemia occurs in children and young adults mainly. This rapid reproduction therefore requires immediate treatment else it spills over into bloodstream and spreads to the other healthy organs of the body. This is most severe form of blood cancer.
  • Chronic Leukaemia : The excessive formulation of comparatively mature, but still abnormal blood cells in human body is characterised as chronic leukaemia. These cells reproduces at much higher speed than normal cells which results into formulation of many immature blood cells in the blood. It comparative affects the old age people than the young. The chronic leukaemia at times is monitored for before prescribing the treatment. The chronic type of leukaemia can easily be diagnosed during routine medical check up.
Symptoms of Blood Cancer :
In the case of blood cancer the bone marrow is damaged, which results into lack of blood platelets. These blood platelets are important for the process of blood clotting therefore in the patients suffering from blood cancer becoming bruised; bleeding excessively or developing pinprick bleeds are common features. Other main symptoms of the disease include :
These symptoms include fever, chills, night sweats.
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Enlarged liver
  • Infections frequently
  • Pain in the bones
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Paleness
  • Extreme weight loss

    The different stages of blood cancer

    Depends on the rate of metastasis.

    There are different yards sticks to distinguish blood cancer into different stages according to the symptoms of prognosis and rate of metastasis.

    Four different phases of chronic leukemia.

    The first phase is marked by an enlarged presence of lymph nodes. This happens owing to the spurt in the count of lymphocytes. The risk level at this stage is intermediate because at this stage of prognosis, the cancer is yet to spread and affect other physical organs.
    The second stage is marked by the enlarged presence of spleen as well as liver; in addition to that of the lymph nodes. If not both the organs, at least one of them apart from lymph nodes is affected at the second stage. There is a massive swing in the growth of lymphocytes. The risk level is still moderate.

    The next stage or the third stage is marked by the development of anemia. The aforementioned organs are still likely to remain swollen. In general two or more organs are likely to be affected at the third stage of cancerous development.

Treatment of Blood Cancer :
The choice of treatment depends mainly on the following factors:
  • The type of leukemia (acute or chronic)
  • Patient's age
  • Whether leukemia cells were found in your cerebrospinal fluid
Blood cancer is rather a cluster of cancers developed in the blood cells and therefore the patients with leukaemia requires special treatment. The special cancer centres can only meet those special needs. The treatment of blood cancer is a complete program which the patients have to follow in order to achieve best results. These include :
  1. Chemotherapy : This is the first method to destroy those leukaemic cells by the usage of anti cancer drugs.
  2. Interferon therapy : This is effective to slow down the rate of reproduction of the leukaemic cells and helps the immune system to build sufficient anti- leukaemia activity.
  3. Radiation therapy : This therapy is effective to kill cancer cells with the process of exposure to high-energy radiations.
  4. Stem Cell Transplantation : This procedure is required in order to enable treatment with high doses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  5. Surgery :  The surgery is performed for the removal of an enlarged spleen or to install a venous access device to give medications and withdraw blood samples.

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